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International Business Law
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01 International Business Law
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01.A Glossary of legal terms
01.B Flashcards
01.C Quiz
01.D Cases
02 Legal Systems of the World
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02.01 Legal Systems of the World
02.02 Governmental and Legal System of Switzerland
02.03 Governmental and Legal System of the European Union
02.04 Governmental and Legal System of the United States of America
02.A Glossary of legal terms
02.B Flashcards
02.C Quiz
02.D Cases
03 Contract Law
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03.01 Conclusion of a contract
03.02 Title, Parties and Signatory Powers
03.03 Form of contracts
03.04 Qualified digital signature
03.05 Termination of contracts
03.06 Editing of contracts
03.07 Model Contracts and Drafting Contracts with AI
03.08 Often used contract clauses
03.09 Coordination of contracts
03.10 Letter of Intent, Non-Disclosure and Non-Use Agreement
03.11 General Terms and Conditions
03.12 Licence agreement
03.A Glossary of legal terms
03.D Cases
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The Yacht Sale
04 International Labour Law
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04.01 Introduction
04.02 History of work
04.03 International Labour Organiziation (ILO)
04.04 International Labour Standards
04.05 Difference between employment and freelancing
04.06 Uber Case – International legal qualification of «clickworkers»
04.A Glossary of legal terms
04.D Cases
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05 International Litigation and Alternative Dispute Resolutions
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05.01 Introduction
05.02 First steps in litigation
05.03 Applicable law and court of jurisdiction in international cases
05.04 Legal action
05.05 Alternative Dispute Resolutions (ADR)
06 Company Law
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06.01 International company law
06.02 Overview types of companies
06.03 Closed number of companies
06.04 Swiss commercial register
06.05 Foundation of a Swiss company
06.06 Shareholders’ agreement
06.07 Reorganisation of Swiss companies
06.D Cases
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07 Liability Law
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07.01 Liability
07.02 Contractual liability
07.03 Non-contractual liability
07.04 Tort or fault-based liability
07.05 Strict liability
07.06 Product liability
07.07 Satisfaction
07.08 Limitation of claims
07.09 Exclusion of liability
07.10 Punitive damage
07.11 Liability insurance
09.12 Legal protection insurance
07.D Cases
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Case «Uber self-driving car accident»
Case «McDonald’s coffee case»
08 Data Protection
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08.01 Data Protection
08.02 Principle of Legality
08.03 Principle of Transparency
08.04 Principle of Proportionality
08.05 Principle of Purpose Limitation
08.06 Principle of Integrity
08.07 Principle of Safety
08.08 Right of Information
08.09 Transmission of personal data abroad
08.10 Legal consequences of violation of data protection principles
08.11 EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
08.D Cases
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«Big Data»
09 Competition Law
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09.01 Competition law
09.02 Antitrust law
09.03 Fair trade law
09.04 Principle of impact/market place
09.C Cases
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Swiss antitrust (cartel) cases
Chicken Case
10 Intellectual Property Law
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10.01 The brilliant idea
10.02 Intellectual property rights portfolio as comprehensive as possible
10.03 Innovation protection is investment protection
10.04 Need to know in intellectual property law
10.05 Copyright
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10.05.01 Copyright protection of photographs
10.06 Trademark
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10.06.01 Case «Rivella vs. Apiella»
10.07 Patent
10.08 Design
10.09 Principle of territoriality
10.10 Legal protection in intellectual property law
10.D Cases
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Bodum coffee maker «ePEBO»
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Overview competition Law 2