The Shiptec AG, Werftestrasse 5, 6005 Luzern, Switzerland, a subsidiary of the Shipping Company of Lake Lucerne (Schifffahrtsgesellschaft Vierwaldstättersee, SGV), sells its luxury motor yacht “Pilatus” to Alberto Danieli, Passeggiata Anita Garibaldi, 36, 16167 Genova, Italy. The price of the yacht is CHF 250’000.00. Included in this price are all costs of transportation, customs duty and taxes. All the technical details of the yacht are written in a separate paper with plans and technical specifications. Shiptec AG will deliver the yacht on 4 June 2021 to the address of the buyer.
As an assistant to the CEO of Shiptec AG you are asked to make a draft for a simple sales contract between Shiptec AG and Alberto Danieli referring to the above mentioned facts, with 7 important points. Keep the draft simple, but as detailed that it could be signed.